As many of you know, February is Women in Horror Month! La Petite Morgue is proud to be participating in WiHM with our Bloody Gore-geous Monologues event, tomorrow 2/2 at 8PM at Joria Productions Mainstage, 260 W. 36th St. Post Mortem (also known in some circles, as "after party") to follow at nearby Stitch Bar (247 W. 37th Street).
There is a $10 suggested donation- all proceeds will go to two very worthy causes: The Viscera Organization, a 501(c)3 that focuses on expanding opportunities for contemporary female genre filmmakers, and the Fund for Women Artists.
In honor of Women in Horror Month, I will be posting a different "Top 10" list each Friday, which focuses on my favorite ladies of horror! To kick off the series, I wanted to focus on the mistresses of the macabre who have most terrified us over the years! That's right, I'm talking about the women who have starred in our nightmares. Move over Freddy and Jason- Hell hath no fury like a woman. These are my Top 10...who are yours?

10. Pamela Voorhees, Friday the 13th (played by Betsy Palmer)
- Jason may be the face of the franchise, but it's really Mrs. Voorhees who got things started. There's something disturbingly realistic about the idea of a mother who kills to revenge her young son's death at the hands of negligent counselors. Mrs. Voorhees is the reason I never snuck off to have sex while I was supposed to be watching the kids during my own camp counselor days. Despite minimal screen time, Betsy Palmer gave an extremely memorable performance- I'm sure I'm not the only horror fan who thinks of her and her infamous line every Friday the 13th- "His name was Jason....and today is his birthday!"

9. Hedy Carlson, Single White Female (played by Jennifer Jason Leigh)
I'm a sucker for a good (or bad) psycho stalker movie, and
Single White Female is probably the best example of the genre. There have been countless rip-offs (*cough*
The Roommate*cough) but none have been able to capture the magic that is
Single White Female - and I believe that is because although the plot and dialogue may be campy, the acting is top-notch and the film is surprisingly relatable. We may have never had a roommate who killed our puppy or seduced our boyfriend, but I for one have had more than one roommate who crossed multiple boundaries with me. And I once had a roommate in college who dyed her hair the same shade as mine while we were living together- I changed dorms the next semester, just in case. Thanks, Jennifer Jason Leigh-you've ensured that I will never trust a random roomie!